Scientific literature forms the foundation of all research work. In the field of animalfree methods there were no specialized publications for a long time. Animalfree Research changed this in 1984 with ALTEX. The journal has stood the test of time and is still established today.

The scientific journal ALTEX (ALTernativen zu TierEXperimenten) was created in 1984 by our foundation, which at that time was called FFVFF (Fonds für Versuchstierfreie Forschung). The idea was to create a scientific journal that would exclusively publish articles focused on the implementation of the 3Rs principles. Over the decades, small beginnings turned into a recognized journal with a Journal Impact Factor (JIF) > 6, published four times a year in English.
TIERethik, the journal on the human-animal relationship, was launched in 2011 by the association ALTEX Edition. It is the successor to ALTEXethik, which is published independently of the four scientific and English-language editions of ALTEX and critically examines various aspects of the human-animal relationship.