Our research strategy
Animalfree Research is committed to both the development and implementation of non-animal research methods in the biomedical field. In wildlife research, we promote the use of non-lethal and non-invasive research methods.

Despite a multitude of non-animal methods and models, the number of animals used in laboratories is not decreasing. It is even increasing in basic research and in experiments that cause significant harm to animals. Our research strategy starts in research, on the legal level and in education to enable a breakthrough for future-oriented, animal-free, ethically justifiable and scientifically sound research with results relevant for humans.
The Animalfree Research Foundation has been active in promoting the practical development of alternative methods to animal experimentation since its establishment in 1976. It was thus a pioneer in this field. In the meantime, numerous foundations and organizations worldwide have become involved, and a considerable and growing community of researchers is also concerned with the topic. Despite this encouraging development, however, it is also apparent:
Animal testing is still considered the gold standard. However, our current scientific knowledge, supported by empirical evidence, demonstrates that animal testing has no predictive value for human outcomes.
Alternative methods to animal testing are used in research, but they are not prioritized, especially in basic research.
Alternative methods to animal testing are used in research, but they are not given primary consideration, which is particularly observable in basic research.
The legal basis requires that non-animal methods, if available, are preferable to animal experiments. In practice, however, it is evident that most submitted research applications involving animal experiments are still approved without sufficient scrutiny or consideration of alternative methods.
Funding for the development of animal-free models is still minimal in comparison to research funding for projects that rely on animal models.
Consistent with our foundation purpose, «We Replace Animal Testing,» our priorities are as follows:
Support basic research in non-animal methods.
Funding of application-oriented projects based on non-animal methods/models.
Promotion of the implementation of non-animal methods in exchange with researchers and decision makers. Our annual forum is one of the central platforms for discourse.
Educating the public on the topic of «replacing animal experiments».
Improvements on the legal level, so that animal-free biomedical research is seriously pursued as a standard, funded as a priority and a phase-out of animal experiments takes place on a mandatory basis and with concrete goals.