New ways to use in vitro data as an alternative to animal testing for risk assessment and compatibility testing of substances. For the toxicological assessment of new chemicals and nanomaterials, 13,000 animals are still used today in Switzerland alone, depending on...
Neuronal cultures as a non-animal replacement method for the study of neuropathic pain and nerve cell diseases. Neuropathic pain occurs when peripheral nerves stop functioning properly, resulting in pain in the hands, feet, arms, legs, and trunk. There are many causes...
Therapy development based on a chip model for inner ear disease Hearing loss is a global health problem with socioeconomic impact and high unmet medical need. Currently, there are no approved medical treatments for hearing loss and no animal-free tools to develop...
Establishment of a 3D bone metastasis model for patient-adapted analysis of therapy response. In advanced stages, many tumors settle primarily in the bones (prostate, breast carcinoma). This results in the need to develop innovative treatment concepts that prevent...
Pan-Screen – a digital platform for early detection of adverse effects in drug development. During 1983-2007, Animalfree Research supported the development and implementation of a digital platform that allows the prediction of the toxic potential of chemicals...